
2023-05-01 10:40:49


德国政府制定一部法律要求社交网络公司上去掉其平台上的的一些仇恨言论(hate speech),比如种族歧视,纳粹主义,恐怖主义。这可以说是西方各国政府中对于社交网络平台控制最严厉的措施了。法律的简称叫:netzdg。其中要求:by requiring sites to remove banned content within 24 hours or face fines of up to $62 million.其他国家还想着能不能模仿德国这样做。不过德国现在也提出了这项法律的修正案。今天的句子:the proposed changes follow widespread

criticism from opponents of the law, including free speech campaigners and the association of german journalists, who say the threat of hefty fines is prompting internet firms to err on the side of caution and block more content than is necessary.词汇突破:1)proposed 提议的2)widespread 广泛传播的3)opponents 反对者4)campaigners 活动人士5)hefty fines 巨额罚款6)err on the side of caution (这是一个短语) 宁愿过于谨慎也不要冒险犯错: it's always best to err on the side of caution. 宁愿总是过于谨慎也不要冒风险。(这是牛津的解释,如果牛津能给出解释的短语就真的是很重要的短语了,出题人案头肯定有一本牛津。)
今天的句子哪怕掌握这个短语也是很大的收获,找到这个句子就是为了这个短语。可遇而不可求啊。7)block 屏蔽主干识别:the proposed changes follow widespread criticism from opponents of the law简化一下:a follow b : a紧随着b; 切分成分+独立成句:定语一:including free speech campaigners and the association of

german journalists定语二:who say the threat of hefty fines is prompting internet firms to err on the side of caution and block more content than is necessary.(who= opponents of the law)say 后面省略了that,引导一个宾语从句:其中主语:the threat of hefty fines, 动词搭配是:promote sb to do sth and (to) do sth. 参考译文:修正提议是随着该法反对者的广泛批评而提出来的,这些反对者包括言论自由活动家和德国记者协会。他们表示,巨额罚金的威胁使互联网企业一味求稳,屏蔽比所需更多的内容。西方的逻辑:不能因为控制仇恨言论而损害言论自由。一定要找到一个平衡点。