
2022-09-29 05:36:26

Fluid intelligence is the type of intelligence that has to do withshort-term memory and the ability to think quickly, logically, and abstractly inorder to solve new problems. It __1__in young adulthood, levels out for a periodof time, and then __2__ starts to slowly decline as we age. But __3__ aging isinevitable, scientists are finding out that certain changes in brain functionmay not be.

One study found that muscle loss and the __4__ of body fat around theabdomen are associated with a decline in fluid intelligence. This suggests the__5__ that lifestyle factors might help prevent or __6__ this type ofdecline.

The researchers looked at data that __7__ measurements of lean muscle andabdominal fat from more than 4,000 middle-to-older-aged men and women and __8__that data to reported changes in fluid intelligence over a six-year period. Theyfound that middle-aged people __9__ higher measures of abdominal fat __10__worse on measures of fluid intelligence as the years __11__.

For women, the association may be __12__ to changes in i妹妹unity thatresulted from excess abdominal

fat; in men, the i妹妹une system did not appear tobe __13__. It is hoped that future studies could __14__ these differences andperhaps lead to different __15__ for men and women.

__16__ there are steps you can __17__ to help reduce abdominal fat andmaintain lean muscle mass as you age in order to protect both your physical andmental __18__. The two highly reco妹妹ended lifestyle approaches are maintainingor increasing your __19__ of aerobic exercise and following Mediterranean-style__20__ that is high in fiber and eliminates highly processed foods.

1. [A] pauses [B]returns[C] peaks[D] fades

2. [A] alternatively[B] formally [C]accidentally[D] generally

3. [A] while[B] since[C]once[D] until

4. [A] detection [B] accumulation [C]consumption [D] separation

5. [A] possibility[B] decision[C]goal[D] requirement

6. [A] delay[B] ensure[C]seek[D] utilize

7. [A] modified[B] supported [C]included[D] predicted

8. [A] devoted [B] compared[C]converted [D] applied

9. [A] with [B] above[C]by[D] against

10. [A] lived[B] managed[C]scored[D] played

11. [A] ran out [B] set off[C]drew in[D] went by

12. [A] superior[B] attributable[C] parallel[D] resistant

13. [A] restored [B] isolated [C]involved [D] controlled

14. [A] alter [B] spread[C]remove[D] explain

15. [A] compensations[B] symptoms[C]demands[D] treatments

16. [A] Likewise[B] Meanwhile[C]Therefore [D] Instead

17. [A] change[B] watch[C]count[D] take

18. [A] well-being[B] process[C]formation[D] coordination

19. [A] level[B] love[C]knowledge[D] space

20. [A] design[B] routine[C]diet[D] prescription


1. 谜底 [C] peaks。上下文题,按照2空前and做果断,跟着年数增加会渐渐降低,阐明年青时程度较高,到达峰值。

2. 谜底 [D] generally。 年青时程度高,随年数增长渐渐降低是大部门的共性,以是凡是城市如许。

3. 谜底 [A]while。逻辑题,本空用来毗连空后两句(年数增加是不成防止,科学家发明大脑功效的某些变革可能并不是如斯),可果断两句之间为转瓜葛(也可按照技能一肯一否果断)。四个选项中只有while可用来暗示转迁移转变瓜葛,此空地于两句最前面,表妥协。

4. 谜底 [B]accumulation。上下文题按照空前and果断,and前说肌肉消耗,这对身体康健会发生负面影响,后面天然也是负面影响,腹部脂肪的____,以是选accumulation译为积累、聚积。此外9空以后提到腹部脂肪含量较高,也可间接证实脂肪的积累。

5. 谜底 [A]possibility。上下文题,按照空后同位语从句内容(糊口方法的身分可能会帮忙咱们阻碍这类降低),果断出5空是一种揣度,以是选择possibility译为可能性。

6. 谜底 [A] delay。上下文题,按照空前or做果断,应选择与prevent(阻碍)意思、立场附近的谜底,以是选择delay译为推延。

7. 谜底[C]included。上下文题,按照先后语意,科学家们钻研了数据,这些数据_____了对跨越4000位中老年人的肌肉和和腹部脂肪的丈量,这些数据能拿来做钻研,应当是客观的丈量数据,以是包含了对他们的丈量。

8. 谜底 [B]compared。上下文题,按照空前and果断,二段发明肌肉含量和腹部脂肪含量城市影响流体智力的降低速率,以是科学家们做实行的目标就是为了证明这一点,他们把中老年人的肌肉和和腹部脂肪丈量的数据与六年间对付流体智力变革的陈述数据相比力。

9. 谜底 [A] with。上下文题,科学家们证明了有着较高腹部脂肪的的中年人流体智力降低更快。

10. 谜底 [C]scored。上下文题,科学家们证明了有着较高腹部脂肪的的中年人流体智力降低更快,即在流体智力方面得分较低。

11. 谜底 [D] wentby。词组辨析题,跟着年数增长,流体智力降低较多,即跟着时候流逝(goby),runout耗尽,setoff动身、出发,drawin(白天)渐短、吸入卷入都不合适语境。

12. 谜底 [B]attributable。完形考过不少年这类行文逻辑,首段给出结论,然后做实行证明,最后诠释缘由,以是此段起头诠释缘由,女性是因为过量腹部脂肪致使免疫力变革而致使流体智力的变革。

13. 谜底 [C]involved。上下文题,女性的变革是因为免疫力变革,而男性免疫体系彷佛没有触及到。

14. 谜底 [D] explain。但愿将来钻研能诠释为甚么男女之间会有这类差别。

15. 谜底 [D] treatments。究竟结果致使的成果是流体智力降低,是较为负面的成果,是以必要解决这一问题,即给出响应的医治方案。

16. 谜底 [B]Meanwhile。逻辑题,上文但愿找到医治方案立场为正,下文有法子可以削减腹部脂肪从而改良身心立场为正,以是为顺瓜葛,解除instead。先后同偏向,内容类似,果断为并列,解除therefore。Likewise类似的必要先后内容只做主语或宾语的扭转,先后内容并不是如斯,以是选meanwhile与此同时。

17. 谜底 [D] take。take step to do sth采纳办法做某事,固定搭配。

18. 谜底 [A] well-being,改良身心康健。

19. 谜底 [A] level。高度举荐的糊口方法是@保%72L84%持或增%jU3qt%长@有氧熬炼的____, 只有level(程度)合适语境。

20. 谜底 [C]diet。按照最后一个词foods可猜测为改良平常饮食。