
2022-07-05 19:02:37


1、 考研英语写作 7考研英语短文写作十年真题分析第十节 2009年Section III Writing2009年考研英语考试结束了。今年走出考场的考生普遍感觉今年的试题较往年难度有所降低,尤其是写作部分两道题目难度适中,大家基本发挥出了正常水平。下面针对小作文和大作文分别给予点评,并提供阅卷的范文供大家参考。Part A51.Directions:Restrictionsontheuseofplasticbagshavenotbeensosuccessfulinsomeregions.“Whitepollution”isstillgoingon.Writealettertotheeditor(







7、多会产生很多问题。如何解决这一问题成为近年来很多人关心的话题。为了解决这一问题,我想提如下的建议。一方面,政府当局应该制定一些规章制度来控制塑料袋的生产和流通使用。另一方面,人们应该意识到保护环境的重要性并不使用太多的塑料袋。我真诚地希望您能认真对待我的信。感谢您拨冗关注。您诚挚的李明四文章点评:范文为缩进格式。由于本信函属于公务信件,题目提供的名字就是编辑,所以要按较正式的口吻来写作,文章开始的称呼为DearEditor考研作文评分标准,语气就比较正式。第一段开门见山,使用draw your attention to结构直接表示请求关注。首段使用了and连接两个并列句的信息。语法上,最后一句使用了Howto





11、分Dear Editor Wang,I am a senior student living in Beijing. Being a citizen in our capital, I care a lot about our environment. But, although the law of not using plastic bags had been enforced since June, the effect is not very good. I am afraid “White Pollution” will still exist for a long time.I b

12、elieve there are ways to improve the situation. Our munities could offer bags free, which will substitute plastic bags. Meanwhile, some education on environment and White pollution should be held to local people. Besides the above two, much more can be done. I hope you would consider it carefully.Yo

13、urs trulyLi Ming评语:较好地完成了试题规定的任务,基本能够对目标读者产生预期的效果: 1. 包含了所有的内容要点,既简要介绍了自己的观点,又提出了具体的建议。 2. 所使用的句子结构和词汇相对比较丰富,例如:Being a citizen in, I care等。 3. 语言基本正确,当然也存在着一些语法错误和用词的错误,但是并不会严重影响意义的表达。 4. 采用了适当的衔接手段,例如, but, meanwhile, besides等,层次也比较清晰。 5. 格式和语域比较恰当。 三档:5-6分To whom it may concern:As a student of a

14、university, I want to take this opportunity to express some points about “White Pollution”.There is no denying that plastic is destroy our environment is we use it excessively. So the government take some means to deal with it. Restrict to use the plastic bags in whole country. But it didnt get succ

15、essful as we predict. The “White Pollution” is still around our environment in some regions.Takes measures is needed. I want to take some remends. First and formost, more strength restriction is needed by pollution education. Second, media should spread more information concern. Only in this way can we curb the statement. Im looking forward your reply.Sincerely yoursLiming评语:基本完成了试题规定的任务,对目标读者基本产生了预期的效果: 1. 内容包含试题所要求的两个要点,没有跑题。 2. 具有较多的用词与语法错误,但是读者仍然能够大致领会作者想要表达的意思。 3. 采用了一些简单的衔接手段,内容还算连贯,层次也算清楚。 4. 格式和语域基本合理。 二档:3-4分I am ver