
2024-04-11 04:26:43
原文标题:the uk should stop obsessing over gdp. wellbeing is more telling
夸姣感指数:夸姣感是一种心思领会,它既是对日子的客观条件和地址状况的一种实际判别,又是关于日子的片面意义和满足程度的一种价值判别 [1] 。它体现为在日子满足度基础上发生的一种活泼心思领会。而夸姣感指数,就是衡量这种感触具体程度的片面貌标数值。“夸姣感指数”的概念来历于30多年前,最早是由不丹国王提出并付诸实习的。20多年来,在人均gdp仅为700多美元的南亚小国不丹,国民全体日子得较夸姣。“不丹方法”致使了世界的重视。据俄罗斯“邮箱新闻”网2014年9月24日消息,全球夸姣指数查询成果,巴拿马变成居民夸姣指数最高的国家。在这次查询中,首要以五个方针来评价居民夸姣指数,包括社会活动、社会方位、财富情况、交际才能和身体情况。根据查询成果,巴拿马变成居民夸姣指数最高的国家,第二名是哥斯达黎加,丹麦位居第三名。这篇文章选自《卫报》2021年6月10日注销的一篇文章,原英文标题为the uk should stop obsessing over gdp. wellbeing is more telling。这篇文章为一篇“观念证明型”文章,指出英国应向新西兰学习,脱节对gdp的过度依靠,树立以夸姣方针为首要参阅要素之一的多方针评价体系。【行文条理】提出观念(第一段)——阐明理由(第二至五段)——总结(第六段)
part 1 原文
ⅰlast week, new zealand broke new ground by avoiding gdp in favour of wellbeing as a guiding indicator when setting budgets and assessing government policy. it’s a radical step in the right direction that the uk should learn from by adopting a broader range of indicators when deciding how to spend money. ⅱ in the past, an undue focus on gdp has allowed governments to claim economic victory while ignoring what is going on under the hood. george osborne famously used rising gdp to claim the “sun was shining on britain”, while at the same time most of the population saw their living standards stagnate or fall, and austerity measures picked up pace. an economy with wellbeing at its heart would make it much harder to make such claims, and harder to enforce a policy such as austerity again. ⅲ gdp measures what is produced and sold, but says nothing about whether this is desirable or not. it counts the foss

il fuel and tobacco markets alongside farming and manufacturing. it also undervalues much of what underpins the rest of the economy – from unpaid childcare to volunteering. using different indicators to assess policy does not stop us from keeping growth in our toolbox. instead, it treats growth as one of a number of potential means to achieve the goals we want from our economy – whether a healthy population or a clean environment. growth should be seen as a tool that can take us in multiple different directions depending on what society chooses to value.ⅳ it is true that changing indicators alone won’t be enough to change the rules of our economy. we have to think also about how power works and why the current system is set up as it is. systemic economic change is unlikely to be delivered in the top-down, technocratic way that a discussion of indicators suggests. but how we measure things does matter. gdp statistics will be used to judge the current government, their record on the economy and their suite of policies – from brexit to austerity. this shackles policymakers to chasing growth, often at the expense of what actually matters to people’s lives. this way of thinking drives poor environmental decisions, like more tax breaks for fossil fuel companies, by prioritising short-term growth over long-term sustainability. ⅴ government departments do have their own goals outside of economic output, but gdp growth remains the primary objective across government. many of the problems of our age are complex and multifaceted and will not be solved in the silos of single government departments. to take one example, we know that widening health inequalities are determined by a whole range of factors beyond just access to healthcare – from income, to housing, to the quality of the environment in which you live. yet responsibility rests with the department for health and social care alone. changing indicators will help make complicated issues such as health inequalities everyone’s business.ⅵ this is not a new argument. yet wellbeing evidence is not widely used. new zealand’s new approach remains one of the first examples of an attempt to lift alternative indicators such as wellbeing to a similar level to gdp. it remains to be seen how far this will affect actual decisions. but freeing policymakers from constantly chasing economic growth alone is certainly a step in the right direction.
part 2 词汇短语
1. break new ground 创始新办法2. in favour of 附和,撑持3. wellbeing [?welbi:???] n. 安康;夸姣4. guiding [?ga?d??] adj. 给予辅导的5. indicator [??nd?ke?t?(r)] n. 方针6. radical [?r?d?kl] adj. 全新的7. undue [??n?dju:] adj. 过度的8. *hood [h?d] n. 兜帽;面罩9. under the hood 潜在的10. *austerity [??ster?ti] n. 节衣缩食;(经济的)紧缩11. pick up pace 加速速度12. at one’s heart 作为......的要点,中心13. enforce [?n?f?:s] v. 强行施行(法令或规则)14. desirable [d??za??r?bl] adj. 可取的15. count [ka?nt] v. 核算总数16. undervalue [??nd??v?lju:] v. 小看;小看17. *underpin [??nd??p?n] v. 安靖;加强......的基础18. volunteer [?v?l?n?t??(r)] v. 责任做;无偿做19. multiple [?m?lt?pl] adj. 数量多的20. depending on 抉择于21. top-down [t?p da?n] adj. (方案、项目等)自上而下的22. *technocratic [?tekn?kr?t?k] adj. 由技能专家官员构成的;受技能官僚影响的23. record [?rek?:d] n. (有关曩昔的)实际,功过24. suite [swi:t] n. 一套25. shackle [???kl] v. 给......带上镣铐;捆绑26. tax break 减税 27. prioritise [pra??r??ta?z] v. 给......优先权;优先思考28. sustainability [s??ste?n??b?l?ti] n. 可持续性;可持续打开29. output [?a?tp?t] n. 产量30. primary [?pra?m?ri] adj. 最重要的;首要的31. *multifaceted [?m?lti?f?s?t?d] adj. 多方面的32. silo [?sa?l??] n. (农场储存草料、谷物等的)筒仓33. 复数方法silos常指“(体系、部分等)单独运转”34. whole [h??l] adj. (侧严峻小或重要性的)整个的;悉数的35.rest with sb 是......的责任(或本分的事)
part 3 长难句语法指点